Monday, December 29, 2008


I guess that every blog should start with a mundane initial first post. Here it is!

I have a bit of a backlog of things I have been meaning to put onto a blog, so the first few posts might be a little out of date. I.e my first BJJ comp happened at the end of August. On the other hand I have only just got the video of me being pwned in one of my matches. And video is more exciting to post than just garbled text and ranting.

Unfortunately between the Tortoise and the Hare I am definitely a Hare, and thus do frenetic activity followed by idleness. At work I use idle time to do those essential but mundane things like filing or reading journals but on a blog it might not be so much fun for someone to read - sorry no twitter-type messages of "reading books now" or "training now". How can these things have more than novelty value? Anyway apologies in advance for the inevitable future slow periods.