Monday, February 23, 2009

Kendo Injuries

Last night at training I came pretty close to copping a Shinai in the face! The Shinai came up under my Men (helmet) and pushed it off. Lucky my training partner had good control...

The moral of the story: tighten up my Men!

It is imperative that all armour (or other training equipment) is kept in good order and used properly. The purpose of training equipment is to prevent injuries. If it is not used properly then it might not prevent injuries as well as it could. I probably didn't have my Men on tight enough, and that is why the Shinai could come up under it and run along my face. (Scary)

In pre-war Kendo I understand that one of the allowed attacks was to rip the opponents Men off. This would certainly encourage you to have your Men on properly!

Unfortunately, not all injuries are able to be prevented. The worst injury I have seen in training is someone broke their collarbone in BJJ. The funny thing about it was that they did it during the warm up, as they were jogging! They just tripped over, did a forward roll, and then lay there in pain! They could have done the same thing as they were jogging to get some milk from the shops.

Here is a pretty unfortunate Kendo injury - Scrotum Tsuki. (Tsuki means thrust) I actually came close to being hit in 'Scrote' a couple of weeks ago, but just ended up with a bruise on the inside of my thigh - which incidentally matched the bruise on the outside of my leg from a very misplaced Do(body) shot.

and the link

I can feel the poor Kendoka's pain.

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